Chanukah Extravaganza Drive Thru (Parking Lot)


December 11, 2020    
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Event Type

5:00 – 6:00pm Drive Thru (Parking Lot)

6:30pm Shabbat Celebration (Zoom)

For the young and the young at heart, come drive through the temple parking lot and soak in some miraculous Chanukah spirit and joy. Our driveway will be filled with exciting Chanukah decorations, music, goodies, clergy and staff in outrageous outfits, and surprises you will not want to miss. Then head on home, put candles in your menorah, and log on for “Chanukah Shabbat – Zoom Edition.” The fun and warmth of our annual Chanukah service served up in neat little Zoom squares of holiday fun: Chanukah songs, Shabbat, candle lighting, and, of course, a Chanukah video or two. When the ancient rabbis told us to publicize the miracle, they had no idea how far we would take it this year!



Unless otherwise noted, the video Zoom address for programs and services is; worship services may also be viewed on our Facebook page or webpage; and the audio only dial-in is 1-646-558-8656 (use Meeting ID 914 967 4382).