
The Farah Family Hineini Program (7th Grade)

Students go out into our community and put the Jewish values they have learned into action, making our world a better place and writing the next chapter of our Jewish story. This service-learning model has transformed Sunday mornings for our students and their families. Contact Jane Dubro for more information.

Academy (8th & 9th Grade)

This year, our 8th and 9th Grade Academy will learn what it means to be a Jewish leader, both at our synagogue and in the greater Jewish community. Designed for teens to have a social and academic space where everyone can come together, Academy helps students deepen their Jewish knowledge and identity. Academy meets on Sunday mornings. Contact Director of Education, Jackie Kurland for more information

Confirmation (10th Grade)

Our 10th graders spend a year studying with Rabbi Goldsmith exploring many facets of Jewish identity, theology and meaning. The teens finish the year with a personal sense of where they fit in the story of the Jewish people. Contact Rabbi Goldsmith for more information.

Madrichim Fellowship

The Hebrew term “madrich” literally means “guide” and the root of madrich is the Hebrew word “derech” which means “path” or “journey.” Our Madrichim Fellowship is designed to help guide our younger students through their own Jewish educational journeys and to use this experience as part of their own journeys. Contact Director of Education, Jackie Kurland for more information.