Early Shabbat Service (in person/outdoors & on Zoom)


April 30, 2021    
5:00 pm - 5:45 pm

We will come together for our first outdoor service of 2021 to pause, reflect on our week, and welcome Shabbat. A prayer for healing will be said and we invite you to submit names to Dan O’Connor before 4:30pm on Friday. Registration is required if attending in person, please bring chairs and wear a mask. All individuals attending in person must complete this health screening form on Friday.

Unless otherwise noted, the video Zoom address for programs and services is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9149674382; worship services may also be viewed on our Facebook page or webpage; and the audio only dial-in is 1-646-558-8656 (use Meeting ID 914 967 4382).