Once a month, we will delve into the many ways to support Israel in 2021. Where did the conflict begin and what are its dynamics? What does it mean to be a progressive Zionist, a centrist Zionist, a center-right Zionist? How can we each build a personal Zionism that aligns our deeply held values with the realized dream of Jewish sovereignty? A series of speakers will help us unpack these questions with room for rich, civilized discussion and debate.
Monday, October 18, 7:00pm
A Quick History of the Modern State of Israel with Muki Jankelowitz joining from Jerusalem
Location: Congregation Emanu-El of Westchester (in-person & on Zoom)
Monday, November 15, 7:00pm
A Quick History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict with Muki Jankelowitz joining from Jerusalem
Location: Congregation Emanu-El of Westchester (in-person & on Zoom)
Monday, December 13, 7:00pm
Progressive Zionism
Location: Community Synagogue of Rye (in-person & on Zoom)
Monday, January 24, 7:00pm
Centrist Zionism
Location: Congregation Emanu-El of Westchester (in-person & on Zoom)
Monday, February 14, 7:00pm
Center-Right Zionism
Location: Community Synagogue of Rye (in-person & on Zoom)
Monday, March 21, 7:00pm
A Palestinian Perspective
Location: Congregation Emanu-El of Westchester (in-person & on Zoom)
Monday, April 4, 7:00pm
Constructing a Personal Zionism
Location: Community Synagogue of Rye (in-person & on Zoom)